Course curriculum

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    Instructions for this course

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    Welcome to the course!

    • RESTEP.

    • RESTEP Method

    • RESTEP Part II

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    Next Steps...

    • RESET Quiz.

    • RESTEP User Guide

    • Bonus: Hypnosis 'How & What'


  • What is Hypno-Running?

    Hypno-Running is a online learning course that is specifically designed for runners that are: a.) suffering from long term injuries, or are currently injured. b.) runners' that lack consistency, will power or discipline. c.) runners' that are looking too develop their best running yet, be it a age-group or improving a personal best.

  • For whom is Hypno-Running suited?

    If you are a runner that has to manage work, family, other social engagements along with your sport. Hypnosis-Running is for you. If you want to run on a regular basis, and always be able to accomplish your desired distance.. Hypnosis-running is for you. Looking for mastery? Ready to challenge yourself, and find out how to harness that inner potential you know you have? Hypnosis-Running is for you.

  • What will I learn?

    It depends on where you currently are as a runner. If you are currently injured you will learn how to develop and use your own brain training. By accessing a specific state of mind, you will be able to improve your mental state, so that once you are cured, you will come back with a incredible strong mindset. If you are currently running on and off (more off than on) and lack the discipline to adhere to training plans, or just generally don't get that motivation to train, Hypno-Running will show you step by step how you will change this negative mindset. Identify the negative belief, and replace it with a new powerful and inspirational one. If you wish to run your fastest 10K ever, or your fastest marathon, or want to go for a Ultra-marathon... you definitely cannot do it without changing your mindset. Learning how to overcome difficult stages of a race, and use your full potential.

  • I am worried about Hypnosis !

    Hypnosis is simply a deep state of mind where you can access your unconscious, or sub-conscious part of the mind. The part that regulates your breathing, heartbeat, helps you cycle, drive to work, all the things you do without consciously thinking about. The methods are not all about Hypnosis, there are tools which ensure that you can access inner resources via certain anchors that will be used during your race.

  • How soon will I see results?

    Of course this depends on how you work through the course, and how you follow the instructions to the point. If for example you deviate, and leave some parts out, it will be unrealistic to expect results. However, if you attend the course fully concentrated, and use the methods as described, without jumping some of the contents, you will be able to see or rather feel results after regularly practising for 21 days. More important, the self-hypnosis will be so beneficial to you, it will become part of your daily routine.

  • Why are the courses divided?

    If you are injured, there are different tools to learn than a runner looking to develop his discipline. Same as a age-grouper who want to develop his maximum potential, the syllabus has been adapted specifically for those needs.

  • Why can't I just learn Hypnosis and use it ro run?

    Well, this course has been designed by people passionate about running AND hypnosis. Means everything in this course is made with running in mind. Hypnosis is such a big field, and whilst the basics up to a certain part are similar, it would be like saying all cars take you from A to B (which they do of course) but some do it faster, more comfortable, and more to your needs. Hypno-Running has only one aim: to provide runners' with powerful mental techniques.